!!! This course is not yet finished !!!
Catalysis is present in most of the chemical processes that surround us in nature and that make life possible. We learned to use catalysis to produce most of our materials and fine chemicals. Finally, we are dependent on catalysis in production fertilizers that we use to make most of our food. Hence, as chemists we must understand the principles and potentials of this powerful discipline. This course will give you an introduction on overview of catalysis in all important aspects.
Lecture 1: Introduction and Basic terms in catalysis
Lecture 2: Homogeneous catalysis
Homogeneous catalysis
- Lecture 2. Homogeneous catalysis
- Handout 2. Homogeneous catalysis
- Lecture 2. Hydroformylation Reaction
- Handout 2. Hydroformylation Reaction
- Lecture 2. Pd Catalyzed C-C Couplings
- Handout 2. Pd_Catalyzed_C-C_Couplings
- Lecture 2. Photocatalysis
- Handout 2. Photocatalysis
- Lecture 2. Photocatalysis - an example
- Handout 2. Photocatalysis Example
Lecture 3: Heterogeneous catalysis and Photocatalysis
Lecture 6: Important industrial catalytic processes
Industrial Catalysis
Methanol Synthesis
Fischer Tropsch synthesis
- Tutorial 6. Material 1 - (tbd)
- Tutorial 6. Material 2 - (tbd)
Lecture 7: Catalysis in praxis
Environmental Catalysis
Three way catalysts in cars
Heterogeneous Electrochemical CO2 reduction